This OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses has been converted into an Prysmex digital template based on OSHA’s Form 300. Create a new audit for each reportable case.
Recommended Use of This Template
This template is designed to provide a reference and serve as a guide within our platform, streamlining work processes. PDF export is for preview purposes only and does not represent an official document nor is it valid for external use, such as personal verification.Case No.
Employee Name (Optional)
Establishment name
Conducted on
Job title
Date of injury or onset of illness
Where the event occurred
Type of incident
Describe injury or illness, parts of body affected, and object/substance that directly injured or made person ill.
Upload photos of incident
Classify the case. Check only one box for each case based on the most serious outcome for that case:
Observations and comments
Full Name and Signature of Record Keeper